Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Return from San Diego

Just back on the road after getting my first vacation since becoming a driver for a living. Didn't get home on the day requested, a bit of a stressful way to begin a vacation trip to California! Got home mid-day the day before we were to fly out, a 9 am flight.

Had to unload my personal belongings from the rig in case the company needed to let another driver use it during my absense. What a pain! I live in this rig for about two weeks at a time with a two or three day break before I'm behind the wheel and on the road again for the next trip. Being the pack-rat I am, I tend to accumulate a lot of stuff. I have a small fridge, a 5-drawer "pantry" and a supply of food in both.

This rig is, after all, my mini-RV and my workplace. It contains my bed, kitchen, office and entertainment center. I have a lot of stuff to unload and reload when I return.

Anyway, spent 7 1/2 hours waiting to get loaded at a local papermill for my 1st run. That time was spent restoring my rig and writing this. Going to PA with 45,000 lbs of paper. Love those rolling Pennsylvania hills with a heavy load!

Stopped at the local bigbox to stock up on a few groceries. Plan to make Beloit where I can spend the night and get me some Starbucks in the morning. I don't think there are many truckers that plan for Starbucks stops along their route.

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